Friday, February 22, 2019

Being more efficient... Is that even possible?

A few weeks back, I wrote about our 2019 Rent The Chicken Owners Conference. Homestead Phil led sessions talking about 2018 in review, troubleshooting rental inquiries, details of a Hatch The Chicken delivery, and "The Long Game". I organized all of the fun ice breakers... you saw that coming, right? :) I led sessions on the steps on behind the scenes in Rent The Chicken to prepare for deliveries, preparing for the media & press releases, and maximizing profitability. Well... Homestead Kate (Rent The Chicken's Top Performer 2016, 2017, and 2018) who serves the Greater Toronto Area brought it home at the conference leading two sessions. The one was titled "Making The Most of Your Time When You Have None".


I'm sure I had this glazed over look when she started talking about this topic (not bundled up tho - it was an inside conference!):

I needed to make the most of time and I felt like I had none!
I applied some principles along with Homestead Phil and we are checking things off of our lists like crazy! AND... my brain doesn't feel clogged with tasks! I'm old school and use a composition notebook. Homestead Phil uses OneNote on his computer.

I'm sure this is in some incredible book somewhere but this is what we are up to:
  • 1. At the beginning of each week, we set a timer for 20 minutes and write down EVERY task that needs to be done as far out as 2 months. (How daunting, right?!?) I barely got through what I needed to do in the next two weeks my first time!
  • 2. Organize it by category if you want. (Sometimes I do.. sometimes I don't!)
  • 3. Mark each one with A B C or D. A for do right away. B for do it soon. C for not urgent but sometime. D for probably someone else should do it. I actually label mine with A B and Phil. haha
  • 4. When the next week rolls around, I rewrite my list and then add to it!
It's so incredible how good it feels when I scratch something off of my list that is completed! My brain also feels incredible because it can hold information rather than a million to-do items. I can put some thought into what to make for dinner or I can really think about who The Bee is on The Masked Singer. She is well on her way to being the last one unmasked if you ask me! Unfortunately, I think my big guess that I posted about the other week is incorrect. Tina Turner does not have the number of awards that The Bee said she has on last week's episode. I can also focus on who will live on the next Game of Thrones episode. No spoilers please! We're only on Season 5! I'm not sure I really enjoy watching it. It's pretty graphic. I play a lot of Sudoku on my phone when we watch it. There's a lot of characters to remember. So many of them are older men with beards. It's so hard to tell them apart!

Speaking of... (see how loose my brain is!) Homestead Phil's beard is so intense that I refer to him as "Phil and his beard". Usually he shaves sometime in February when the weather starts to break some but definitely by early March. He made a deal with the Youth Pastor of our church that neither of them would shave until the first day of Spring for a fundraiser. Phil has been helping to lead the Royal Rangers group at our church. It's kinda like Boy Scouts with badges and adventure but also with scripture memorization and a spiritual aspect. So Phil is raising money for the Royal Rangers to go to Camporama in 2020. The Youth Pastor is raising money for Youth Convention. Neither are shaving their whiskers until March 20th! Another month! Here's a photo of the two of us this last weekend. I can't wait to see his face again!

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